New to home tests?
Just like your local GP or GUM clinic, we can help you get the tests and advice you need.
Our HIV home test kit is an accurate laboratory test that checks for HIV.
Collect a sample at home using the kit we provide, then mail it back to our partner laboratory.
The accuracy of the test depends on the time since you were exposed to HIV. If you were exposed to HIV 28 days ago it is 94% accurate, 45 days it is 99% and at 90 days it is 99.9% accurate.
If you start to show symptoms before you get your results you must visit your GP or health clinic as soon as possible.
If you think you have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours then you may need post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) treatment. This medication reduces the chances of catching HIV after exposure. You can get this treatment from any sexual health clinic.