Diabetes is a condition which affects the way your body processes food causing abnormally high blood sugar.
Type 2 diabetes is a condition that means your body can’t use or produce enough hormone called insulin. This causes your blood sugar to rise.
Prediabetes is when the blood sugar levels in your body are high but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Making changes at an early stage you may be able to avoid becoming type 2 diabetic. Type 1 diabetes is different and usually starts in much younger people. The body stops producing any insulin, and lifestyle changes can not prevent type 1 diabetes.
In the early stages of prediabetes some people feel completely normal. However, you may have started to notice some symptoms of high blood sugar. These include increased thirst, blurred vision, increased tiredness and needing to urinate more at night.
Obesity and an inactive lifestyle are the commonest causes of type 2 diabetes. Your risk factor increases with age and if there is a family history of the disease. Type 1 diabetes and the exact cause is not known.
Research suggests losing 5-10% of your body weight can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Making some simple changes to your diet and activity level is all it takes.
We offer treatment through the Boots online doctor service if you want to lose weight.
Our top recommendation to lose weight is to follow a healthy eating lifestyle. It’s important to reduce sugar, especially from sweets and biscuits. Also try to reduce your intake of saturated fats.
Go to the ‘Know Your Risk’ tool on the Diabetes UK website. Click https://riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start
Page last reviewed by: Dr. Christina Hennessey 21/06/2021